5 easy steps to create better street photography:

  1. Choose a Good Location: Choose a location with interesting people, architecture, or other elements that will make for great photos. This could be a busy street, a colorful market, or a graffiti-covered alleyway.
  2. Be Observant: Keep your eyes open and be observant of your surroundings. Look for interesting moments, unique characters, and unexpected interactions. This will help you capture more authentic and meaningful photos.
  3. Use a Fast Shutter Speed: Street photography often involves fast-moving subjects, so use a fast shutter speed to freeze the action and avoid blur. A shutter speed of 1/500th of a second or faster is often necessary.
  4. Get Close and Fill the Frame: Get close to your subjects and fill the frame with interesting details and compositions. This will help to create more impactful and engaging photos.
  5. Shoot in Black and White: Consider shooting in black and white to create a timeless and classic look that emphasizes light, shadow, and texture. Black and white photos can also help to simplify the composition and create a stronger visual impact.